Wednesday, February 3, 2010 at 8:38AM
Jeffrey J Johnson

Today is Setsuban in Japan, the demarcation of one season to another.  While there are four through out the year the one marking the passing of winter to spring is associated more with traditions then the others.  More rightly known as Risshun it is also called Bean Throwing Festival becasue of the association of traditional throwing of beans during this time.  The male head of the family, the toshiotoko, will throw soybeans out the front door or at members of the family wearing demon masks to ride the house of evil spirts.  They will do this while chanting "Demons out! Good luck in!' or in Japanies "Oni we soto! Fuju wa uchi!'.


At Buddhist and Shinto temples people will be choosen to throw beans to waiting audiences.  These people will be both men and women, toshi-otoko and toshi-onna respectivly.  They are chosen based on the year they where born in the Chinese zodiac.  With 12 animals, one representing each year, the people who where born on the same year as the current zodac animal will have the honor of throwing the beans.  At some temples it will not be just beans that are thrown, but gifts of candy, small envelopes of money and other small gifts.  Celebraties are sometimes invited to these events and may even been televised. 


So have a happy Setsuban!


Article originally appeared on Holiday A Day (
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