FĂȘte du Vodoun, January 10, Benin
Thursday, January 10, 2013 at 2:22PM
Jeffrey J Johnson

One of the most colorful times of the year for the country of Benin in Africa. This is a festival where many people who practice Voodoo go to receive a blessing from the chief practitioners in the City of Ouidah.  In 1996, the country officially recognized Voodoo as a religion and this day has been celebrated since.

Singing, dancing and marry making mark the day as well as celebrating with spirits (the alcholoic kind though I would say many of the practitionaries would say the other kind as well).

Links: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/1756057.stm

Article originally appeared on Holiday A Day (http://www.holidayaday.net/).
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