Wai Kru or Teacher's Day, Thailand, January 16
Wednesday, January 16, 2013 at 9:21AM
Jeffrey J Johnson

I was a little disapointed when I started to do my research for todays festivals when all I really found was Teacher's Day in Thailand then I ran accross a write up by Cassandra James on Yahoo.  You can read her articale here, I am not going to just repost what she wrote but it is worth reading.

From what she said there are ceramonies called Wai Kru in schools all accross Thailand and they actually occure at different points of the year but according to Wikipedia January 16th being teacher's day is one of the days it is observed.

There is a big ceramony where the students pay respect to their teacher's and give gifts because the teachers give the gift of knowledge to the students.

I also found another site where it looks like students may get the day off.

So happy Teacher's Day to all the teaches out there!

Article originally appeared on Holiday A Day (http://www.holidayaday.net/).
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