Bloomsday - June 16
Tuesday, June 16, 2009 at 12:54AM
On June 16th in Dublin is set aside to celebrate James Joyce and his novel Ulysses. The day is filled with people recreating the route the path taken by the main character Leopold Bloom on the same day as the novel takes place. There are also costume contests, Joyce look alike contests and even marathon readings of the novel. The events are sponsored by the James Joyce Center in Dublin.
While certainly the city of Dublin can claim the largest of the celebrations it is not alone. The Rosenback Museum and Library, which manuscript of the novel also has a series of readings and a special exhibition of material of Joyce's. Also there is a celebration in Szombathely, Hungary the birth place of Bloom's father in Ulysses.
Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloomsday
Other: http://www.jamesjoyce.ie/