L.A.O. Talent show in Nashville
It has been a little while since I have made a post but don't worry this does not mean I have disappeared just getting things straight behind the scenes.
Today I am going to a talent show that is being put on by L.A.O. (Laotian American Outreach) a Nashville based organization that is helping to bring the Lao community and all it has to offer to the attention of the general public. They are a great bunch of people and I highly suggest going to their website and taking a look at all the wonderful work they do (but you may want to wait a little while as they are redoing their wedsite so it may not work at the moment, in the mean time check out their YouTube page)
Well, just wanted to make sure you didn't think I forgot about you and I will be posting more very soon and I will get a new Podcast up after the show and let you know all the great things that happened there.
Happy Holiday!
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