Heading to Washington DC to visit Cultural Centers

I have been working in the background for quite awhile now trying to build up a repository of holidays/celebrations/festivals so I can keep this up to-date without stressing about it. I have had some luck with this but have not gotten to where I would like to be. I happen to be visiting my family who lives in the DC area and it just dawned on me that there are many many places in this area that would have places to help out in something like this so will be checking those out today. I will of course keep this updated with my progress but cross your fingers for me.
On a side note if you have any holidays/celebrations/festivals that you think should be included here please let me know comment here or email holidayaday using the gmail account or even send a tweet to @holidayaday (and you can follow if your not now). It doesn't have to be a long article full of details, the name and any information would be a huge help.
And a side side note, if you have another/better word I can use to describe what I am looking for please suggest it, holiday/celebration/festival is long and cumbersome but I believe they are slightly different and don't want to leave one out.
Have a great day!!
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