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Akita Kanto Matsuri, August 3-6

In the city of Akita Japan, is the lantern festival Kanto. Now when they do a lantern festival they really do it.  At night there is an area about 1 kilometer long with approximately 250 Kantos.  This may not seem like many but take into consideration that the larger ones may be 12 meters (36 feet) tall,  weigh 50 kilograms (about 100 pounds) and have 46 lanterns light by actual candles that the performers are balancing on different parts of their bodies.  They are to make sure the light does not go out.  There are smaller ones as well but still that is incredible.

The festivals or Matsuri is intended to drive away illness.

The big demonstration happens all three nights and last for about 90 minutes but there is normally time after for talking with the performers and getting your picture taken with them as well, some lucky souls may even be able to try their hand at it as well.  During the day there are demonstrations as well and people are encouraged to visit.


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