Happy Independence Day Peru and Happy Olavsoka the Faroe Islands! July 28, 2014
July 28, 2014 Fiestas Patrias Peru (Independence Day) One of the most important holidays in Peru along with Christmas, is the day that General José de San Martín declared independence on July 28th 1821. Celebrated by the entire country, flags are flown from almost all buildings including houses. as mandated by law during the entire month of July. As the head of state, the current President will give an address to the people outlining the state of the nation. This speech is given in the congressional bodies chambers at their invitation. Happy Independence Day Peru! Ólavsøka, the day when Løgting the parliament of the Faroe Islands opens it’s season. A small island nation between Iceland and Norway, it is self ruled country but still part of the Kingdom of Denmark.. The people of the Faroe Islands also take this time to hold both cultural and sporting events to celebrate their nation. One of the country's biggest sports, rowing, holds their national competition at this time every year. Also featured during the festivals is the famous Faroese chain dancing, a medieval dance that has only survived on the island nation.
Happy Olavsoka the Faroe Islands!
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