May 1, 2015 - Children's Day (Mexico) Black April or Reunification Day
Children’s Day (Mexico) - Classes set aside this day for the children often suspending lessons for games and other activities. The children will also bring food to share with classmates. Parks and other facilities will have special activities for them and parents will often give them presents. The day started in 1925.
Reunification Day or Black April (Vietnam) - Depending on your perspective this is either a day to celebrate or mourn. The fall of Saigon happened on April 30, 1975 and marked the end of the war in Vietnam. This lead to the country being restored to one nation. For those who supported South Vietnam this is a day that many people feel they were exhaled or suffered for their support for supporting the south. For those in favor of the north this is a day they celebrate for joining the country as one. As the north were the victors there are many festival surrounding this day in the country.
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