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Fête du Vodoun, January 10, Benin

One of the most colorful times of the year for the country of Benin in Africa. This is a festival where many people who practice Voodoo go to receive a blessing from the chief practitioners in the City of Ouidah.  In 1996, the country officially recognized Voodoo as a religion and this day has been celebrated since.

Singing, dancing and marry making mark the day as well as celebrating with spirits (the alcholoic kind though I would say many of the practitionaries would say the other kind as well).



Toka Ebisu Festival, January 9-11

The festival celebreate the deity of business and commerce.  To do this you want to get a bamboo branch that has lucky charms on it such as gold coins.  Of course these are for sale in the local market.  While it is celebrated at many shrines around Japan the largest is at Imamiya Ebisu Shrine in Kansai.

Today is actually the Eve of Ebisu tomorrow there will be a big good luck parade with celebrities, geisha and fuku-musume (good luck girls) that will hand out good luck charms.




Commonwealth Day, Northern Mariana Islands

While I try and stay away from United States centric posts I thought I would at least bring this to light as I would be willing to bet few Americans even know we have two Commonwealths. Puerto Rico being one and the other The Northern Mariana Islands.

Today is Commonwealth Day, though I have not found anything that is actually done to celebreate it.  

But you should take a look at the history of these islands.



Orthodox Christmas, January 7

Many of the Orthodox Christian faiths still use the more traditional Julian calendar as opposed to the Gregorian that is internationally the most well known.  Because of this Christmas is celebrated on January 7 (on the calendar you probably look at).

Unlike many who celebrate Christmas on the 25 of December it is seen by Orthodox churches to be much more about the religious significant events than Santa Clause and presents. In the Coptic Christian it is traditional to fast for 40 days prior to the Christmas feast. This allows for the practitioners to concentrate their thinking on their spiritual life and not the body.  This does not mean they will necessarily give up the exchanging of presents on the 25.  Some who live in the United States take the opportunity to celebrate twice. December 25th being a day to get together with family and exchange gifts and January 7th being the time to attend church and worship. They will have long night of chanting and when the fast is broken it is a true feast.


Women's Christmas, January 6


The last day of the Christmas festival season in Irland was traditionally reserved for the women of the house to celebrate.  As it was very normal for women to spend all of their time in the home and all the celebrations that happened over the Christmas season this last day was given over to them to celebrate amoungst themseleves.  This was the one day a year the men would actually do the house work, cleaning and cook and the like.
Today, of course, it is not the same, more and more women are taking their places as a bread winner in the family. Men have stepped up (maybe not as much as they should have but at least some) to do house work and raise childeren. But many women take this day to spend with their friends down at the local pub or one of their homes.