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Nikola Tesla Day, July 10

Happy Nikola Tesla Day!

While not an official festival there are movments to recognize the 10th of July as Tesla Day.  In case you did not know who Tesla was you should know that it is thanks in no small part to him that you can read this blog post or any for that matter.  The father of AC current and the radio (sorry Marconi), he was unapriciated during his life and died alone and penny less.  His pursute in science and not business pushed him to study many things and not profit much at all.  Both Edison and Marconi took advantage of his lack of business savey either expoiting his work or pushing there own over his.

So today take a moment to think how electircity changes your life and what it would be with out it maybe even take a moment to check out some of the information on the web, this is a great articale were you can learn even more.

And if him creating AC and radio aren't enough don't forget the Tesla Coil and how cool those are:)




South Sudan Independence Day, July 9 2012

While there seems to be no actual celebrations going on today I think it is important to point out that it is the first anniversary of the independence of South Sudan.

The youngest country in the world South Sudan is still having many problems very poor economy and infrastructure.  This is struggle within the country and along it's boarders but progress seems to be happening if at a slower then hoped for pace.

Congratulations on gaining independence and my wish to the South Sudanese people for peace, stability and prosperity.  The more each and every nation advances in these areas the more we as the human race advance as a whole!


Mindaugas Day, Statehood Day in Lithuania

Coat of Arms for Lithuania

So the award for the most independent people in the world goes to the people of Lithuania.  Ok maybe not the most independent but the most independence days, three.  Well actually I don't know if that's the most but come on there can't be many counties with more.  The most recent is the separation from the Soviet Union prior to that the Russian Empire (you would think they would get the hint by now) and then back in the 1500's Mindaugas was crowned King with the authority of the Roman Catholic Church.  The last one is what the celebrate on July 7th even though the actual date and location are not known for sure.

Seems to be one of these celebrations that doesn't have many traditions associated with it though it is an offical holiday and people do get the day off.



Tynwald Day, Nation Day for the Isle of Man

The Isle of Man is part of the United Kingdom and is located between the island that contains England, Scotland and Wales and the island of Ireland.  Their parliament has existed for over 1,000 years without a break making it the oldest continues parliament in the world.  It is on Tynwald Day that the laws are read aloud and put into force.  Also national government officers are sworn in as well.  The tradition of reading the laws from a mound or hill go back to the Norse man and the hill that they are read from in the Isle of Man are Tynwald Hill.  It is said the hill, which is man made, has soil from the perishes of all the islands the make up the Isle of Man.

Besides the reading of laws and swaring in of the goverment officels there has been a market and fair associated with the ceremony.  In recent years there has also been an effort to make this more of a celebreation with the festivities extending to the whole week



Relaunch again

It has been quit awhile since I have posted an entry but have been thinking long and hard about this blog and my accompanying podcast.  I have even renewed the domain but not the .net version.  I really want to continue doing this but seem to get in my way an awful lot.

The underlining idea behind this blog is so important and I feel very passionate that I feel I must push past myself and actually continue it.  I have always had issues with trying to make things the best they can be but not actually working on them because I am not perfect right out of the gate.  This is foolish and I know that but it did not seem to matter in the past I would just stop myself from doing things.  So now I have decided to just write blog posts and will get back to my podcast soon and if the quality is not very high that is ok, with practice and experience I will get there.  I will be trying to write more in my own voice and like I am talking with someone these may help.  There may be a lot of changes and time goes on but that is ok.  For now I will go under the assumption that no one is reading these and that way there should be no real pressure.

If someone does read this and wish to comment I would really appriciate feed back.  As always I am on the look out for more holidays, festivals and celebrations.  Any information or even if someone wanted to ask about one that gives me a place to start to look them up.


As always have the best of days,
