Knowledge Day, Russia, September 1, 2011
Started by government decree during the time of the Soviet Union, Knowledge Day is the first day of August when the children of the then Soviet countries go back to school. While this is just the start of the school year for most of the students those just begin, known as First Form students, it is a time of celebration for their new life of learning. There are many events that go one during the day, with the Prime Minister normally visiting schools and the children dressing up, girls with flowers in their hair. Parents are often invited to attend classes on this day as well. Not only a Russian day though many other countries still celebrate the day.
Apparently there is at least one school where the students perform a waltz (see the video). I am particularly jealous as I happen to be taking ballroom dance now and they dance far and away better then I. Also please take a moment to check out the other links the first two have some gorgeous pictures and the celebration of learning should all ways be encouraged!
Ria Novosti - Traditions of Knowledge Day
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